I’ve been reading Sean’s blog for a little while now and I think it’s really valuable. He has a really good sense of how to write for a specific target audience and that’s something that I think a lot of bloggers don’t really do well.

One thing that I really like about his blog is that he always has a target audience in mind. He doesn’t just write for himself or for other bloggers who are similar to him, he always writes for a specific group of people and he makes sure that his posts are relevant to them.

That’s something that I think a lot of bloggers could learn from. Instead of just writing whatever comes to mind, make sure that your posts are specific to your target audience and make sure that they’re relevant to what they’re looking for.

That’s something that I think a lot of bloggers could use in their blogs. If they make sure that their posts are specific to their target audience, they’re going to be a lot more successful.